2010年9月30日 星期四

Trash Cans

Are you looking for quality trash cans wholesalers products? To introduce a convenient trade publication-"trade yellow pages", that it offers a lots products suppliers on ttnet.net such as footwear, gifts, housewares, lighting...etc. No matter you are looking for consumer or industry products, you can use this useful trade tool to get more business.


trash can

Directory of waste bins that you can find it on household cleaning products of housewares category!

metal bins, storage bins, dustbins, trash cans, storage cube, storage container 200430Z Dia:37 H:41 cm 35L 200635Z Dia:42 H:49 cm 62L 200740Z Dia:47 H:58 cm 79L

Model of trash can : 35 62 79L

trash can is related to Trash Cans, garbage cans,litter bins, etc..



More related directories about Trash Cans are Tea Cans makers, Metal Cans makers, Glass Cans manufacturers, Watering Cans manufactories, Aerosol Cans manufacturers, Can Openers makers, Canned Food manufactories, Canned Food factories, Plastic Cans manufactories, etc. .

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